Writing Articles for a Real Estate Blog
Writing Articles for a Real Estate Blog
Effective writing for your blog articles
There are people who study for years to become writers. That isn’t what you picked as a career, however, that doesn’t mean that you can’t write effectively. Many people are afraid of writing because they don’t believe they can write. This is not an essay for school, this is for fun and to show off your expertise. We will explore, in this article, tips and ideas to help with effective writing for your Real Estate website blog. There are a lot of Real Estate websites but you can set yourself apart from them with blog articles.
How to structure your blog article
The structure of writing a story has not changed since primary school. The basic structure is
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
Typically, the introduction and the conclusion are one paragraph in length, meanwhile the body of your article can be as many paragraphs as are you need to tell your story
The introduction paragraph of your article
The introduction of your article should capture the attention of the reader, while a personal story, perhaps a real life situation may interest the reader. An introduction is a brief overview of the article, therefore special attention should be taken when writing an introduction. You are introducing the main idea or topic of your article. The introduction is a brief overview of your article, most importantly, it should not provide details but an interesting story or anecdote to keep your reader moving forward.
Body of your blog article
The body is the meat and potatoes of your article. You will use these paragraphs to explore your central idea. Keep in mind that an article is really just a story, therefore, there is a logical order and your body paragraphs should flow from idea to idea.
Rule of thumb dictates that a paragraph should be two or three sentences but you can use up to five or six sentences. Attempt to make your point within a paragraph. Using more than five or six sentences may indicate that you are overstating your idea. However, you might have mixed together two separate ideas and you should perhaps consider separating these long paragraphs.
I can’t stress this enough! Spelling, punctuation and grammar are important, in addition, write in full and complete sentences. There are many software programs available to help you with spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Writing the article conclusion
The conclusion is normally a paragraph in length at the end of your article. A conclusion should restate your main idea and key points. Use the conclusion to tidy up any loose ends from your article. When writing articles for a real estate blog the conclusion should create some sort of call to action from the reader. Invite your reader to contact you for more information or send them to another interesting article that you’ve written. Always try to find a way to keep them engaged on your site and with you. spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Does using big words in an article make us look smarter?
Using bigger, complicated words might make us look smarter but are unnecessary because can make your point without big words.
Real estate articles will contain words and acronyms related to the industry. There’s no problem using acronyms, however, the first time you use them you should spell it out for your reader. Because it difficult to understand your article if they don’t understand what an acronym means.
Practice makes perfect
Writing is an art form, moreover you may find it a challenge at first. You are telling a story in writing. Everyone has their own style of writing and you will find your style. Consider starting off by writing short articles that are just an introduction, a paragraph and a conclusion. There are many topics that don’t require extensive storytelling.
Proofreading your article
Proofreading is very important. Presenting a polished article to your reader adds credibility. I have found proofreading out loud provides a good sense of the flow of the story. Also, be ready to scrap a paragraph and start over.
Ideas for articles
Stuck for ideas for articles? There are good ideas for a story from day to day life. Have a look at what other people are writing about to spark ideas. Start with smaller articles and work up to longer ones.
If you speak another language you might consider duplicating the post in a translated version.
Building the confidence of your readers
Writing articles for your real estate blog I would suggest being consistent with posting stories. And speaking of posting, you should share your blog articles to whatever social media platforms you are using. Build some confidence and credibility with your audience by posting new articles on a regular basis. The frequency for writing articles is up to you, it could be monthly, weekly or every three months. Additionally, there are no set rules about how long an article should be. Keep in mind that people read at about 250 words per minute and factor that into the length of your article.
Writing blogs is good for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it will help the search engines find your website.
I believe that you can do it, but if you don’t try then you’ll never know. Set yourself apart from the crowd by using the blog on your Real Estate website to write engaging articles that will keep your audience returning.