Real Estate Information & Business Opportunities ‘HAVES’ and ‘WANTS’
ICIWorld is a Real Estate Information & Business Opportunities Listing Service and is available to everyone to use for free. In operation since 1994 and we offer the service to an international network.
What is FREE?
You can search and / or add your real estate information or business opportunity to the database at no charge. The database has property for sale or for lease in the areas of Commercial, Business, Residential and from the Public.
Understanding Real Estate ‘HAVES’ & ‘WANTS’
When posting an advertisement to the database you need to use the tag ‘HAVE’ or ‘WANT’. The tag ‘HAVE’ is used for properties being offered for sale or for lease. The tag ‘WANT’ is unique to our service and allows you to ask the network for help in sourcing a property for sale or for lease.
Real Estate IDX Licence
ICIWorld offers a Real Estate IDX Licence, by paid subscription, to licenced or accredited real estate professionals. The IDX Licence data feed connects the ICIWorld databases to licence holders websites. The real estate information data feed is structured and designed for licence holders to market and network under their own business.